So you just had new carpet installed and you want some tips on keeping it clean in order to get the most out of your new investment? Of course you do! So we’re here to provide you with some basic tips on how to care for your new carpet.

Vacuuming tips- where, when, and how often.
The most common thing you will be doing is vacuuming your carpet because it is the most effective way to maintain the beauty of your new carpet. Vacuuming once a week is a must, but daily vacuuming may be required if your carpet is located in a high-traffic area and/or if you have pets. Vacuuming regularly will not only clean the surface of your carpet, but it will prevent soil from becoming embedded below the surface of the carpet as well. When vacuuming, try not to ignore those corners, crevices, and hard to reach areas because this is where most of your dust builds up. Remember to replace your vacuum bags or empty your canister when it’s about half way full. You will find that a full bag will recirculate the old dirt and debris inside the system, which in turn makes it harder to pick up the debris from your carpet.
TIP FROM RICK: If you are looking for a vacuum cleaner to keep your carpet looking new, a good rule of thumb is to purchase a vacuum cleaner in the $150.00 to $200.00 range

Effective cleaning methods to avoid re-soiling your freshly vacuumed carpet
As you’re doing your weekly, sometimes daily cleaning for some, keep in mind that effective cleaning methods need to be used in order to avoid dirt build up and also to keep the dirt from floating around the room. When you’re cleaning it’s good to clean from high to low points, otherwise known as the top-bottom method, before you vacuum. This will save you from having to vacuum again once that dust settles from the top of the dressers, fan blades, entertainment center, etc.
Another method to also use is the dry – wet method, which basically means to do all the cleaning that requires dry cleaning such as dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming first. Then do the wet cleaning such as glass cleaning, wall washing and mopping. This is important and necessary to your carpet because there will be less dirt floating around in the room to cling to your freshly mopped floors and vacuumed carpet.

Quick Tips on Cleaning Spots and Spills
YIKES! Something spilled on your new carpet and as we all know, no carpet is one hundred percent stain proof. The first thing you should do is act quickly in order to avoid a permanent stain. You will need to absorb the spill by blotting it with a plain white absorbent cloth or paper towel. Remember to avoid anything that has color or a print because it could transfer dye onto the wet carpet and also permanently stain it. Start blotting towards the outside of the spill while continuing to move towards the center. This method prevents the liquid spill from spreading. You will need to continue doing this until the soiled area is barely damp. If it is a food spill, try scooping it with a spoon. Do not use scrub or brush the area because this can actually damage the carpet. Your second step should be to treat the area. The type of cleaning solution you should use depends on the type of carpet you have.
TIP FROM RICK: Water is my first choice for cleaning up a stain. For all stains (not oil or grease related) water is the best way to go! If you are still having trouble I recommend calling Inside Homes Cleaning & More for a bottle of the world’s greatest spot remover. For pet accidents, try using vinegar and water – to ensure odor removal there needs to be enzymes to eat up odor causing bacteria.

Professional Cleaning
You should highly consider getting a professional cleaning done every 12-18 months depending on how well you maintain your carpet, how heavy the traffic is in your house, and the color and texture of the carpet. You will extend the longevity and beauty of your carpet with a professional cleaning along with proper maintenance.