With the Holidays just around the corner, it’s important that you take care of your health. The fall season brings fall allergies and if you’re having guests over for the Holidays, it is a great idea to take action and make you, and your guests, more comfortable. It is estimated that close to 50 million people suffer from seasonal allergies so it’s very likely that someone coming to visit may suffer from them even if you don’t. Here are some ways to allergy proof your home this Holiday season!

Keep up with the regular cleaning schedule. We know how hectic the Holiday season can be with all the shopping and prepping, but slacking on your cleaning will only hurt you in the long run. It’s a good idea to try using green cleaning products to avoid putting harsh chemicals in the air. A clean home is a happy and healthy home. Something to think about may be to start a no shoes policy when walking through the door. By doing this, you are stopping allergies at your doorstep, literally. Make sure you have enough indoor and outdoor mats as well in order to stop those allergies in their tracks.

It’s also time to beef up your vacuum cleaner if it does not have a HEPA filter on it. These filters are amazing and really live up to their name. When choosing a vacuum, take into consideration how easy it is to change the bag in order to avoid dust flying everywhere. If you decide to take it one step further and have your carpets professionally cleaned, choose the steam route if you can. Another place where dust might be hiding in your home is heavy drapes. Try washing them or switching out to a lighter curtain to avoid unseen dust build up.

Remember to replace your air filters during this time, because no matter how much you clean, you will never have clean air if you don’t change it regularly. Make sure you clean your fans as well to rid them of that hidden layer of dust that seems to always find its way up on the blades. If you have pets, try to keep them out of the areas your guests will be sleeping.

If you’re concerned that you won’t have enough time for all of this, consider hiring a professional cleaning service a few days or so before your guest’s arrival. The Holidays are a time for celebration with our friends and families and is definitely not the right time for someone’s allergies to start acting up. It’s a time to relax and enjoy your life, allergy free!