Tile & Grout Cleaning St. Petersburg, FL
When was the last time you had your tile and grout professionally cleaned?
Are you having issues keeping your tile and grout from looking dirty and dingy, even after you’ve thoroughly washed your floors? There are a few reasons why this could happen, but one of the main reasons we see is the use of soap. When floors are not rinsed thoroughly, a film (also known as ‘soap scum’) will dry and trap dirt. Another common cause of dirty tiles and grout could be dirty mop water. Rather than cleaning your floors, dirty mop water will spread dirt from the tile into the grout.
Our tile and grout cleaning technicians in St. Petersburg, FL are experts in cleaning all types of tile flooring. The quality products we use allow for a better end result.
In addition to tile and grout cleaning in St. Petersburg, we also offer many other flooring and furniture care services.
- Carpet Cleaning
- ColorSeal – Grout Refinishing (a unique alternative to replacing your tile floors)
- Furniture Cleaning
- Leather Restoration
- Water Removal
- Mold Testing
Our company provides an amazing tile and grout cleaning experience. Don’t take our word for it! Take our clients…
I have used Inside Homes for several years. I would highly recommend their services. They are efficient, professional and do a great cleaning job.
The company is thorough and does great work. If you need your carpets, floors or furniture cleaned, choose Inside Homes.

Do you need tile and grout cleaning in St. Peteresburg? Get in touch with us today to schedule your FREE in-person estimate.
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